Title: Pulsar timing array and gravitational wave detection
Speaker: 李柯伽 研究员
Institute: 北京大学科维理天文与天体物理研究所(KIAA)
Time: 2018.04.19(Thursday) 14:30
Place: Physics Building 552, Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University
Abstract: This is a introductory talk on pulsar timing array. We will discuss the pulsar timing array experiment, and the related physics. We will address the GW detection problem in the framework of pulsar timing array. We will compare the laser interferometry and pulsar timing array, and show that the short-wave limit instrument, pulsar timing array, brings better spatial resolution. The detection of GW polarisation and dispersion will also be discussed. The related topics such as solar system dynamics, pulsar clock, pulsar navigation will be also include in the talk.