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【12月27日讲座】STM-based single-molecule optical spectroscopy


时 间:1227(周五) 14:30

地 点: 物理楼552

主 讲 人:董振超 教授

单 位中国科学技术大学

董振超,中国科学技术大学教授长期致力于面向未来信息、能源和生物技术的单分子光电效应研究,特别是研制将高空间分辨扫描隧道显微技术(STM)与高灵敏单光子检测光学技术相融合的联用系统,在单分子电致发光、单分子拉曼散射、单分子尺度能量转移、纳米等离激元光子学等方面取得了一系列重要成果。已发表SCI科技论文140余篇,其中作为第一作者或者通信作者,发表Nature两篇、Nature Photonics一篇、Nature Nanotechnology一篇。曾获得全国优秀科技工作者荣誉称号、中国CAIA科学技术奖特等奖、中国科技大学杰出研究校长奖、中科院杰出科技成就奖(主要完成者)、国务院政府特殊津贴证书中国真空学会中国真空科技成就奖。亚纳米分辨的单分子拉曼成像工作入选2013年度“中国科学十大进展”和两院院士评选的“中国十大科技进展新闻”。

AbstractThe nanocavity defined by the coinage-metal tip and substrate in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) can provide highly localized and dramatically enhanced electromagnetic fields upon proper plasmonic resonant tuning, which can modify the excitation and emission of a single molecule inside the nanocavity and produce intriguing new optoelectronic phenomena. In this talk, I shall demonstrate two STM-based phenomena related to single-molecule optical spectroscopy. The first is single-molecule Raman scattering [1,2]. The spatial resolution of tip enhanced Raman spectromicroscopy has been further driven down to a single chemical-bond scale. Such simultaneous energetically and spatially resolved capability for vibrational-mode mapping opens up a new possibility to determine molecular chemical structure by optical imaging at only a single molecule. The second phenomenon is single-molecule electroluminescence [3-5]. A variety of interesting optoelectronic phenomena of a single molecule in a nanoscopic environment will be presented, from single-photon emission to coherent dipole-dipole coupling and single-photon superradiance.