题目: Crystallization of (bio)pharmaceuticals with template technology
主讲人:Huaiyu Yang副教授,Loughborough University
主讲人简介:杨怀宇,副教授,2018年入职英国拉夫堡大学,主要研究方向为蛋白质和小分子药物结晶以及蛋白质重组和细胞培养等生物技术在制药领域的应用,包括从分子间作用力层面到实际生产放大的结晶项目,涉及结晶理论、纳米模版技术结晶、连续结晶等。于天津大学获得本科硕士学位,2013年于瑞典皇家工学院获得博士学位,先后在思克莱德大学英国国家连续制药和结晶重点实验室、伦敦帝国理工学院从事研究助理,葛兰素史克英国公司从事研发工作,致力于开发和研究大分子蛋白类药物的分离提纯和工业生产创新过程,最终普及生物药物和个人药物。在Crystal Growth Design,Chemical Engineering Science, Langmuir等期刊发表论文35篇,主持多项英国国家自然基金等项目。
Abstract:Crystallization is a key purification technology, purifying solid phase from liquid phase. In pharmaceuticals manufacturing, over 90% of the small organic molecular medicines are purified by crystallisation. Crystallisation is interdisciplinary research, such as chemical physicals, chemical engineering, analytical chemistry, and crystallisation is linked to multiple interfaces, such as solid-liquid, liquid-liquid, and gas-liquid interfaces. Crystallisation has been widely used in food, cosmetic and environmental areas. This talk will be focused on crystallisation, with template technology, such as nano-particles and soft templates, and the influence of different interfaces on the crystallisation processes. By developing new crystallisation technology, it will highly decrease the cost of the (bio)manufacturing, and improve the (bio)pharmaceutical manufacturing.