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Gravitational waves application of string dualities on black holes and neutron stars


讲座论坛 物理学系学术讲座 期数 物理学系学术讲座
主题 Gravitational waves application of string dualities on black holes and neutron stars 演讲者 张弘(Kilar Zhang)
时间 2024年6月5日(周三)15:00 机构 上海大学
地点 海韵园物理楼438


The newly established Seiberg-Witten (SW)/Quasinormal Modes (QNM) correspondence offers an efficient analytical approach to calculate the QNM frequencies, which was only available numerically before. This is based on the fact that both sides are characterized by Heun-type equations. We find that a similar duality exists between Seiberg-Witten theory and black hole superradiance, since the latter can also be linked to confluent Heun equation after proper transformation.

We also study the quasinormal modes (QNM) of the charged C-metric, which physically stands for a charged accelerating black hole, with the help of Nekrasov's partition function of 4d superconformal field theories (SCFTs).

In 2019, a theoretical equation of state for neutron stars with only one parameter is derived from Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model, as an application of AdS/QCD, where pointlike instanton case is taken into consideration. Now we upgrade this model to instanton gas, with one more variable, the instanton width. This is not naively a free parameter, but a function of the chemical potential.

