题目:Supersoft Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
报 告 人:冯骅 教授
单 位:清华大学
时 间:2016年12月07日(周三)14:30
地 点:LETOU.COM乐投海韵园物理机电航空大楼573
摘 要:Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are non-nuclear objects found in external galaxies that appear to be very luminous under the assumption of isotropic emission. X-ray spectroscopic and timing studies suggest a new accretion state distinct from those seen in Galactic stellar-mass black hole binaries. I will focus on a sub-class of ULXs whose X-ray spectra are dominated by soft thermal emission. These supersoft ULXs show similar spectral and temporal behaviors and may define a new emission state with an even higher accretion rate compared with standard ULXs.