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Testing cold dark matter vs. modified gravity with Milky Way's stellar kinematic data


题目:Testing cold dark matter vs. modified gravity with Milky Way's stellar kinematic data

报 告 人:董小波 研究员
单 位:云南天文台
时 间:2016年12月05日(周一)14:30
地 点:LETOU.COM乐投海韵园物理机电航空大楼407
摘 要: Using for the first time both the rotation curve data V_rot(R) and the vertical velocity dispersion data sigma(R) of the Milky Way (MW) stars, we test and verify the self-consistency of the quasi-linear formulation of modified newtonian dynamics (QUMOND, Milgrom 2010).
Then, using QUMOND as an effective/practical tool and based purely on the baryonic distribution of the MW, we derive the 3-dimensional distribution of the effective gravitational field (Phi_phantom) of the putative dark matter (DM) halo in the popular DM paradigm. The effective gravitational field Phi_phantom appears not easy to realize with commonly used density profiles of CDM theory.
Lastly we propose expects for mapping the 3-dimensional MW's gravitational field in the LAMOST and GAIA era.